Capel Primary School follows the KCC Admissions procedures.
Please explore our school prospectus below.
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2023-2024 Prospectus.pdf | Download |
2025 Applications
For children starting school in September 2025 applications for reception year.
Year R applications are normally for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31
August 2021
Applications open on November 5th 2024. Applications close on 15th January 2025. You will receive your offer of a school place on National Offer Day which is 16th April 2025.
Parents considering applying to the school are encouraged to attend one of our Open Mornings, on either 15th or 16th October, or make an appointment via phone, with the Head teacher who will be pleased to talk to them about the school. This usually takes place when the children are three or four years old.
Children are admitted to the school at the beginning of the Autumn term. When offering places the following points are considered:
- CLA – Children Looked After
- Family links
- Nearness and access from home
- Medical and health reasons
Children with and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan do not apply to schools for a place through the main round admissions process. Any application received for a child with an EHCP will be referred directly to Kent County Council’s Special Educational Needs Services (SEN)
Parents are encouraged to put their child's name down early, but the school cannot guarantee places. New entrants will attend school as from September. Children who are above the statutory age may be admitted at any time during the year provided there is a place in the appropriate year group.
Summer born children
If your child was born between 1 April and 31 August and you want them to defer starting school until the next academic year, contact the team for more information at
The Induction Programme for Early Years
At Capel we are committed to a partnership approach with parents and work together for the benefit of the child. To support families in the transition to Capel primary school we:
- Arrange an Induction Meeting for parents that is held in the term prior to the child’s term of entry.
- Ensure the Reception teacher visits Capel Pre-School and nurseries in order to meet the new entrants.
- We invite new entrants in small groups to spend a taster session in the Reception Class.
- Hold an induction picnic in the Summer before starting school so families can meet key staff and pupil 'buddies'.
- Parental discussion times are arranged in order to discuss a children’s needs prior to their coming into school.
- A buddy will be provided for every student to support them in settling into school routine.
- Home visits are arranged to discuss children’s needs prior to their coming into school.
In Year Admissions advice from Kent
If your child is at primary, junior or secondary school and you want to move them to a different school, you need to apply. This is called an in-year admission.
There is no guarantee that your preferred school/s will be able to offer your child a place. You should not remove your child from their current school before you have an offer of a place at another school.
Parents are advised to consider transport implications before approaching any school for a place. Transport assistance is only provided where parents apply to schools in line with our transport criteria. We are unable to advise parents of the availability of school places outside of our boundaries. If you live near to the border, your nearest school may be in another local authority’s area. Please ensure you check with neighbouring local authorities before applying for school places, as this may impact your child’s eligibility for free school transport.
If you are looking to move schools in year 10 and 11, the curriculum is often already set. Therefore, before making an application it is important that you explore the curriculum offer at your preferred school, as it may not align with the curriculum or exam awarding bodies at your previous school.
You need to apply for an in-year admission if you want to move your child from:
a primary school to a different primary school
a primary school to an infant or junior school
an infant school to a different infant school
an infant school to a primary school (schools will start processing in-year applications for year 3 places from 1 July 2015)
a junior school to a different junior school
a junior school to a primary school
a secondary school to a different secondary school.
You do not need to apply for an in-year admission if your child is:
in year 2 at infant school and due move to year 3 at junior school - you need to apply for a primary school place.
in year 6 at primary or junior school and due to move to year 7 at secondary school - you need to apply for a secondary school place.
Please ensure you have read KCC’s Admissions privacy notice before you apply for a school place.
Please keep a record of all communication with the school in case you need support from us (KCC) later.
You live in Kent and want to apply for a school in Kent
Complete the In Year Admissions Form (PDF, 86.3 KB) and send it to the school you're applying to.
You need to fill in a separate form for each child and for each school you want to apply to.
You live in Kent and want to apply for a school outside Kent
Call us on 03000 41 21 21.
You don't live in Kent and want to apply for a school in Kent
Complete the In Year Admissions Form (PDF, 86.3 KB) and send it to the school you're applying to.
You need to fill in a separate form for each child and for each school you want to apply to.
You should also contact your own local authority to keep them informed.
If you are moving to the United Kingdom and wish to attend a Kent school call 03000 41 21 21 (Monday to Friday, between 9am and 2pm or 4pm and 5pm) or email to discuss your application.
Please contact your local authority to find out about your admission and appeal arrangements.
Please see our school policy for our specific admissions procedures.
School Policy
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Admissions Policy September 24.docx | Download |